Does Your Child Get Nosebleeds? Read This

Does Your Child Get Nosebleeds

Nosebleeds are an unfortunate fact of life, but any parent would understandably be concerned if their child came to them with blood on their face and shirt. Luckily, the vast majority of nosebleeds are simple to deal with and are rarely anything to worry about.

The usual reasons children get nosebleeds are due to general play, picking at the nose, or simply having a dry nose. If your child is guilty of occasionally mining their nose, you should keep their nails short and their hands clean, and explain to the child why they should not pick at it.

Treating a Nosebleed

Using a nasal spray can avoid dry nose and keep the mucus moist. If the nosebleeds are a common occurrence, it may be necessary to invest in a humidifier to keep air in the house or bedroom moist.

If the nosebleed is caused by trauma, for example if the child takes a hit while playing football, stopping it is fairly simple. Tip the head slightly forward (not back), and pinch the soft part of the nose shut while breathing through the mouth. It may be necessary to apply to an ice pack.

Keep this up for about ten minutes, and the nosebleed should stop. If it continues after that, you may need to seek medical advice, but most nosebleeds will stop after ten minutes. On the other hand, if the bleed is caused by trauma, it may be a sign the nose is broken, which will require medical attention.

What Type of Nosebleed is it?

However, if nosebleeds happen commonly, it may be a sign of something more serious. The nose can bleed from two sources, the front (anterior) and back (posterior) of the nose. Anterior nosebleeds are the most common, and are dealt with, as outlined above. Posterior bleeds, on the other hand, are very rare but can be more serious.

Posterior nosebleeds come from the spheopalatine artery, which cannot be reached under normal circumstances. If the methods outlined above do not stop the bleeding, you may have a posterior nosebleed, which will require medical attention.

Under most circumstances, nosebleeds, even in children, are rarely a major concern. However, if the nosebleeds are recurring, if the child is on special blood thinning medications, or if the nosebleed was caused by trauma and you believe the nose is broken, it may be a cause for concern.

With most nosebleeds, you only have to worry about whether or not you have enough detergent and cold water to clean your clothes.

Where to Find Nose Bleed Treatments?

There are a variety of methods in which to combat nose bleeds, all depending of the severity and frequency. Receiving a proper diagnosis is the true key to the road to recovery.

At Houston Sinus & Allergy, we offer state-of-the-art nose bleed treatments and will determine what course of action to take to provide relief from your nose bleeds.  Dr. Nguyen is a Board Certified ENT who has over a decade of experience in helping patients live more comfortably by identifying causes and providing effective solutions.  If you’re looking for effective nose bleed treatment, book an assesment or contact us, and get the help you need.